Donations and Giving


We believe that stewardship is an important part of being a Christian.  We are called to do the best we can with the resources we are given, and we believe that God has called us to be his presence in this community, supporting those in need, encouraging those who seek God, and providing a beautiful space dedicated to worshipping God.  

We encourage you to think about giving as part of living as a Christian.  This includes giving your time, (perhaps volunteering to help at an event or to welcome visitors to the church building) giving your talents, (maybe you are good at gardening, baking, or IT and can help out) and giving financially.

We understand that times are tough and many people are struggling to meet the cost of living at the moment, but giving even a small amount can really help us to keep the church not only going, but growing.  We urge you to think prayerfully about committing to giving each month, as this will help us to budget and make the most of the money received.  

If you pay tax in the UK you can tick the Gift Aid box.  This means that the UK Government will gift us 20% of the gift you make, with no cost to you.  So, for every £1 you give, the UK Government will give 20p.  Please speak to your tax advisor if you need further information on this national scheme and to check how it affects your tax position.

You can set up a monthly gift using the Parish Giving Scheme

You can also make a one-off donation here

We also take seriously our commitment to caring for our neighbours and we have various outreach projects taking place, which you can find out about here.

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